Exhibition of paintings by artist Māris Salmiņš in Alūksne Art School can be visited from April 17, 2015.
Māris Salmiņš, artist from Alūksne, was drawing since early childhood. Painting was mostly learned by self-education. During period of secondary school in holidays he participated in workshops organised by Emīls Melngailis Folk Art House in Cēsis and Rauna. Oil paintings were exhibited in Rauna as well as in the exhibition of young artists in Rīga Pioneer Castle where he was awarded by first success - winner title. During studies in Riga Polytechnical Institute he attended drawing courses in Art Academy.
His nature landscapes are mostly painted in oil technique. His paintings are reflections of all seasons: both spring and autumn colourfulness with changing shades of water, snowy roads in winter and flowering gardens in summer. His heart is close to landscapes of Latvia and they have been exhibited in different exhibitions in Alūksne, Balvi, Valmiera and Rīga.
The artist was participant of the Art Days in Rīga as well as different exhibitions by groups and traditional exhibitions by artists of Alūksne. At the moment many paintings are included in the private collections of the friends of art.
Exhibition-competition “Trejdeviņas saules lec” of visual and visual-plastic art by students of educational institutions from the region of Vidzeme can be visited in Alūksne Art School from May 10 to May 14, 2014, from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. You are welcome to get unforgettable impressions in the colourful world of art!
The exhibition of art works by Inese Jakobi, remarkable Latvian artist of textile, and Inese Birstiņa and Vita Plūme, both Latvian textile artists living in Canada, is going to be opened in Alūksne Art School in February 18 at 11.00 am.
Vita Plūme has achieved permanent place in the art and has become teacher in USA - associate professor in the Design college of the university in the state of North Carolina.
Inese Birstiņa has started with weaving as traditional field of textile. After in seventies she turned to felting, but in this exhibition you can see works created in weekdays when she was working in computer company and got excited by making photo portraits of unintentionally lost gloves she had found.
Inese Jakobi is undeniably one of the most brilliant Latvian artists in textile. In her art she can startle both with format, content and unusual technical solutions.
In this exhibition you can see the window - favourite subject for Inese. What is a window? Is it a bridge between indoor, personal space and outdoor or a border between them? Why is it sometimes a bridge but sometimes a border? Which windows should be opened and which shouldn't? When to shut and when to open? Who will tell you?
May be viewer can ask to himself those questions in the exhibition, but may be he can find answers...
The exhibition “Fair tree” of the works by Harijs Stradiņš was opened in the Exhibition room of Alūksne Art School (Ojāra VāciešaStreet 2) on Monday, October 21, 2013, at 15:00.
In our age always running and hasting we do not often notice many important and beautiful things created by God, Nature and people. But we have still people who observe them and also want to show those things to others. One of them is Harijs Stradiņš - teacher by profession but artist from appeal of his heart, man who loves life and his work and is always ready for new challenges…
Harijs is more known as the master of unique solid wood furniture who gets inspired from unique tree forms created by nature, but this time he certainly will surprise viewers with his unique point of view!
About his exhibition Harijs says: “I only want to show you a small part of the wood world beauty. I was addresed by each little piece of wood, it made me stop my work process and to pay to it a moment of attention. Every time when I discover some unusual piece of tree I catch it as a small but important message from Creator of all things.”
Especially families with children are invited to this exhibition. The exhibition will certainly change your look to things from every day view, it will ask you to watch, observe and notice, think and lost in your thoughts. Just children are ones with the sharpest eyes and most sensitive hearts and you can never tell them too much about beauty and fairness in the nature and people.
Also for students of Alūksne Art School it certainly will be strong inspiration source stimulating their creative thinking.
There will be opportunity to meet with Harijs at the opening of the exhibition and get know closer the artist's unusual and beautiful view point of the world.
Anita Vēliņa
Exhibition of original volumes of works-books by K. Skujenieks “Poga” (Button) and “Latvieša cimdi” (Latvian mittens) from the Bookbinding Association of Latvian Designers Society was opened in the Exhibition hall of the school in November 18, 2013