On February 22 a group of teachers and upper-classes students visited exhibitions “Portrets Latvijā. 20.gadsimts. Sejas izteiksme.” (Portrait in Latvia. 20th century. Face expression), “Portrets ar smaidu. Šarži un karikatūras Latvijā. 20.gadsimts” (Portrait with smile. Parodies and caricatures in Latvia. 20th century) in the exhibition hall "Arsenāls" (Arsenal) of Latvian Museum of art and in the museum of Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova and collected strong impressions about the features in photographs, paintings and graphics in the 20th century.
Portraits directly or indirectly document social characteristic marks of Latvian history and society, the expressions of national identity and parts of the existing ideologies. The spectrum of the exhibition included the reflection of this age from individual viewpoints of artists to generalizations, from the state orders to free interpretations, from representation to privacy.
The exhibition clearly showed the 20th century as the time when the Latvian state was created and formed, lost and again renewed. It described an age when in spite of the stereotypes and ideological demands of the society personalities invested their experience in creative expressions as powerful, intelectually productive potentional.
Exhibition of works from design drawing competition by students of PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COMPETENCE CENTRE „RIGA SCHOOL OF DESIGN AND ART” will be available for visiting on business days from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Our colourful journey in the art world in the school year 2018/2019 we will start on September 3 at 1:30 pm. We will wait the students and their parents in the hall of Alūksne Art School (Ojāra Vācieša Street 2).
Don't forget sunny smiles, happy mood and desire to acquire knowledge about art!
The collective of teachers of Alūksne Art School
State Culture Capital Fund (VKKF) within special purpose programme „Improving of material-technical base for Visual-plastic art education establishments” with EUR 699- financially supported a project „Improving of material-technical base for Alūksne Art School by implementing up-to-date technology for the subject: Work with material - Textile design”. Leader of the project - teacher Anita Vēliņa. Using funds that were received for the project for sewing machine BERNINA 770QE were purchased an embroidery module with 3 frames. Whereas, with co-financing from Alūksne region municipality was purchased computerized sewing machine BERNINA 770QE. With purchase of sewing machine and embroidery module that is important part of sewing machine BERNINA 770QE has been made improvements of material-technical base for Alūksne Art School, implemented up-to-date technology for school subject: Work in material - Textile design. We predict it will create interest in students by giving knowledge about opportunities in creative industries and creating understanding about realisation of aesthetic and high level art by using up-to-date technologies in creative work process. The work with purchased equipment already will be included in the learning programme of school year 2018/2019 for students to acquire the skills to combine traditional methods and the opportunities of modern technology in their creative works. In Alūksne Art School subject: Work with material - Textile design - there will be an opportunity for students to implement their graphical compositions in material by using graphical programmes in a computer and computerised sewing equipment.