In the exhibition will be shown works created both in learning process and finishing the school by students of the school. Those are paintings, graphics and textile compositions. In the exhibition are presented works from more than 40 authors made by the students in age 10-15 in time period from 2008 to 2017.
Works exposed in the exhibition have been created with guidance from following teachers: Rita Balane, Lilija Kukle, Elita Salaka, Anita Vēliņa and Ojārs Vēliņš and overall it is a result of works of all the teachers of the school because students in the school for 7 school years learn licensed Professional Introduction Programme "Visual Plastic Art”. Many graduates in Alūksne Art School have improved themselves for even 10-11 years. At first in drawing and clay modelling classes, then in preparation classes and later continuing education in Professional Introduction Programmes. But after finishing the school some students continue education in interest education programmes.
Several ex-students of this school now are continuing their art education in professional secondary and in higher art education establishments both in Latvia and abroad receiving qualifications of designers, architects, art teachers or artists. Others have already achieved named educations and are successfully working in these professions in Alūksne, Latvia and other places in the World.