How sounds the land of Latvia or sounds of the land of Latvia in Alūksne?
Land or ground is one of the most important symbols of Latvia. It helps by fertility, blessing and preserving of memories. Before going far away it is important for Latvian to take a handful of soil of Latvia... How sounds land of Latvia in Alūksne? In this summer it will be explored by society “Siguldas Mākslu serpentīns” (Serpentine of Arts of Sigulda) and artist of new mediums Zanda Puče implementing project “Latvijas zemes skaņas. Alūksne” (Sounds of the Land of Latvia. Alūksne.). Exhibition in Alūksne Art School is planned for period from October 14 to November 10.
During implementation process of the project it is envisaged to include all three dimensions: past-present-future. It will be unique story about time and people, development of technologies, values - mutual interaction of the land and people. It will be told using multimedia contemporary technologies and stories of local Alūksne people of different generations. Zanda Puče: “I hope that art and dialogue with the people will help to see new contexts and strengthen feelings of identity and belonging.”
Within the project it is planned to record sounds of the ground in places suggested by Alūksne inhabitants using self-created but simple technology and to create serial of graphical photograms as supplement to the memory stories of the inhabitants making them from images of the spectrum of ground sounds. Several information channels will be used - audio, photo, video and graphics. In Alūksne it is planned to develop walking route from the chosen places in collaboration with experts of local sectors as well as organize creative master classes for introducing different graphical techniques and country sounds recording process.
In 2016 the artist implemented similar project - “Ex-libri art voyage” in Sigulda region library exhibition hall which included recording of ground sounds and vibrations in Sigulda landscapes places pictured in works by artists. Zanda Puče: “Art works often works as peculiar road signs. Since old days majestic sceneries of Sigulda - panoramic landscapes, picturesque valley of Gauja with romantic castle ruins - have been source of creative inspiration for artists, art amateurs, travellers - scientists and writers. Sketches, drawings, paintings, watercolour paintings, graphics have become the best witnesses of the history of that time. During time technical abilities of the people have improved and now everyone can save their travelling memories in photos. The region of Alūksne is close to me and I want to get know it even more! The sounds of the country in Alūksne are important to me because my great-great-grandfather Juhans Jurss (1847-1957, in Tomska) was a craftsman, master of boats and the house built by him in the district of Alsviķi was called “Atmiņas” (Memories). So “Atmiņas” (Memories) have inspired new projects of memories; see more at www.zandapuce.lv
In May 24 at 11:00 in Alūksne meeting with artist Zanda Puče took place in the library of Alūksne region, but in Alūksne Art School at 16:00 there was the first master workshop during which new artists were introduced with the results of the project “EX-libri art voyage Sigulda”, technology for recording sounds of the ground and acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in graphical techniques – linocut and print of acetone. Participants of the master workshop created their own design of envelope for some places of Alūksne.
Project is supported by: Vidzeme planning region, National Culture Capital Fund, Alūksne Art School.
Project was implemented with funds assigned by “Latvijas valsts mežu atbalstīto Vidzemes kultūras programmas 2017” (Vidzeme Culture Programme 2017 Supported by National Forests of Latvia).