Every year National Competition with one certain theme is organised by National Centre of Culture for students of Professional Introduction Art and Design Education Programmes in the educational institutions of Latvia. In school year 2016/2017 it is graphics design.
The aim of the competition is to evaluate learning results for students of Professional Introduction Art and Design Education Programmes in the educational institutions of Latvia and to recognise needs of culture education development, promoting studies of interdisciplinary themes by creative learning process.
The task of the competition is to develop comprehension of students in graphics design by understanding importance of typeface, text, means of expression and composition in design; to stimulate understanding of students about design as process, about consecutive development of design idea, its compliance to particular function and target audience and develop ability of students to work in the group.
Participants of the competition are involved in different age groups: 7-10 years, 11–13 years and 14–16 years.
The competition is organised in several rounds. Round I was school stage where each age group had to accomplish different task. Younger group had to develop graphical design for candy, middle group - for smoothie, but older group - for healthy goody (dried fruits, candied fruits).
After evaluating the works in the school stage the works of 6 students (2 in each age group) were sent to Riga to take part in round II.
In March 13 we received information that to the stage III of the National Competition organised on March 31 in Valmiera were invited:
o Marta Aire, Jānis Bindemanis from younger group (teacher Elita Salaka)
o Amanda Nikola Cēsniece, Sabīne Līdaciņa from intermediate group (teacher Elita Salaka)
o Kristiāna Freimane, Gustavs Stradiņš from older group (teacher Rita Balane)
Let's keep fingers crossed!